Enjoy listening to poetry and spoken word—or share some writing of your own—with Poetry in the Boro on Sunday, September 13.We’ll be starting at 6:45 so you can connect early and chat with friends. Bring your own favorite snack or beverage! At 7:00, we’ll begin the open mic.
As usual, please plan on 1 longer or 2 short poems, no more than 4 minutes. For this format, we ask that you keep your content “PG-13.” All styles of poetry are welcome. If you have questions, let us know.
Word Challenge
If you like, write a poem that uses one, some or all of the following words (in any form) selected by our attendees last month: gather, bubble, eldritch, smattering, alluring, epiphany, bloom, scritch, thrive, sphere.
Open Mic Sign-Up
For a turn at the open mic, PREREGISTER at
Attending Log In
To connect with us at the event, go tohttps://mtsu.zoom.us/j/91570832858?pwd=ZTBFcHhHbjl2eU1oMjFaNnBWWWlKUT09
Meeting ID: 915 7083 2858
Passcode: poetryOne tap mobile
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)Meeting ID: 915 7083 2858
Please note that you can participate only with audio, if you need to. Sorry, no admittance after 7:30. We plan to conclude the event about 8:00 to 8:15, but we’ll leave the room open a bit longer for people to optionally chat after the event.