Enjoy listening to poetry and spoken word—or share some writing of your own—with Poetry in the Boro on Sunday, March 14. An open mic will follow a short feature by poet Hayden Saunier.We’ll be starting at 6:45 Central time so you can connect early and chat with friends. Bring your favorite snack or beverage!
We begin at 7:00. As usual, please plan on 1 longer or 2 short poems, no more than 4 minutes.For this format, we ask that you keep your content “PG-13.” All styles of poetry are welcome. If you have questions, let us know.
HAYDEN SAUNIER’s newest book of poetry is a A Cartography of Home (Terrapin Books, 2021). Her work has been awarded the Pablo Neruda Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, Gell Poetry Award, and been published widely, most recently in Thrush, 32 Poems, Lake Effect and Tar River Poetry. An actor with extensive theatre credits, she has appeared in Mindhunter, House of Cards, Outsiders, The Sixth Sense and Do No Harm. She is the founder and director of NoRiverTwice (poetry + improvisation) an interactive, audience driven poetry reading/performance and holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars. Find much more online at www.haydensaunier.com.
If you like, write a poem that uses one, some or all of the following words (in any form) selected by our attendees last time:
rainbow | skid | intertwine | turncoat | beat | embrace | popsicle | panjandrum | scheme | roller-skate
(use only if you want to read): https://forms.gle/qoos3Fq3FHMuXXZB8
To join us Sunday, March 14 beginning at 6:45 PM Central
Meeting ID: 875 1266 3684
Passcode: poetry
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
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+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://mtsu.zoom.us/u/kdPoNnqPBy
Note that it’s fine to connect audio only if you need to.
Thanks to MTSU Write for their sponsorship!