Enjoy listening to poetry and spoken word—or share some writing of your own—with Poetry in the Boro on Sunday, May 22. We’re so excited to have “our own” Caitlyn Parris and Toriana Williams. Caitlyn is a local ESL teacher, yoga instructor, and rock climber. Toriana now lives in Detroit, but many of you will remember when she was one of our regulars…and now she’s recently publishered her first book, POETICALLY IN MOTION. We’ll be telling you more about these poets soon.
Connect anytime 6:00 to 6:30 Central time to chat with your fellow poets and get on the open mic list.Our features will be at 6:00, followed by open mic. As usual, please plan on 1 longer or 2 short poems, no more than 4 minutes.All styles of poetry and spoken word are welcome. If you have questions, let us know.
If you like, write a poem that uses one, some, or all of the challenge words selected by our audience last month:
secure | shimmer | need | keychain | bit | crayon | magnolia | elephant | Ukraine | dreampipe
(yes, we know dreampipe isn’t really a word, but isn’t it a good one?)
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Thanks to MTSU Write for their sponsorship!
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