Bloom Stage proudly announces the first show in its 2025 series, “Still.” Themed around water, movement, and wintering, this edition of the quarterly storytelling-based series will draw inspiration from the frozen hush of winter, the comfort of a crackling fireside, and the refreshment of a forest stream. This event invites you to explore the interplay of stillness and flow, offering introspective performances that capture the quiet transitions shaping our lives and the gentle motions that lead to transformation.
Located at 116 N Walnut Street, off the Square in downtown Murfreesboro, the beautiful Walnut House provides an intimate setting for this event, creating a space for connection and community. Doors at 6:30 pm with libations and light refreshments, and the show starts at 7 pm.
Performers include Heather Bennett, Matthew Leavitt Brown, Josie James, Gregory Lannom, Mark Lamb, Mytecia Myles, Bobby Taylor, Charles Thomas, and your hosts, Kara Kemp and Kory Wells.

An open mic segment during the show is also welcoming submissions related to the theme, 4 minute time limit. Please email before February 24 to be considered.
Bloom Stage is a quarterly event that brings a blend of storytelling, poetry, music and art to the Murfreesboro stage at Walnut House. The series is produced by Kara J Kemp with assistance from Kory Wells, Poetry in the Boro, and other community arts leaders.
We suggest a $10 donation at the door to help with expenses, but admission is free.
A traveling version of this show will also be offered in Historic Rugby, Tennessee, on Saturday evening, March 1. More info here