We’re very excited to be collaborating with the Poetry Society of Tennessee (PST) and MTSU Write to host PST’s 68th annual poetry festival on the MTSU campus on Saturday, April 26. The headliner for the festival is Christian Collier, a Chattanooga poet who some of you will remember as a Poetry in the Boro feature a few years ago. Christian has a new book recently out, and we can’t wait to hear his keynote talk Through the Side Door: Unlocking Surprise in Your Work. He will also be our Friday evening, April 25, feature at the reading and open mic we’ll be hosting to kickoff the festival. (We’ll have full details posted about that event soon.)
Several poets, including a few PitB regulars, will host afternoon sessions, including:
- Donovan McAbee (another past PitB feature) on Poetry’s Politics: How Does Poetry Confront the Politics of its Moment?
- Claudia Stanek on Narrative and Non-Narrative Poetry
- Kory Wells, James Croal Jackson, Bryanna Licciardi, and Cynthia Storrs on Publishing Strategies, a roundtable discussion.
- John Mannone will also be hosting a Poet’s Toolbox session on Zoom.
For a registration discount, register by April 18. If you cannot afford the fee, reach out to us at poetryintheboro@gmail.com for confidential assistance.
Get all the festival details and register at poetrytennessee.org/pstpoetryfest.html